tiktoklatestversion的简单介绍(Best TikTok Analytics Tool GugeeData)

Best TikTok Analytics Tool —— GugeeData

The first half year of 2020, TikTok active users rise dramatically around the world due to the COVID19 pandemic. Despite of the US government restriction and the Indian ban, which might have affected its growth of TikTok shortly, we do expect the increase stay steady in the long term once the acquisition is done.

At the point, TikTok is still one of the most popular apps and the leading short-form video platform across the world. It is experiencing enormous traffic dividend flows that both content creators as well as the commercial vendors cannot ignore at the point.

If we compare TikTok to Douyin (the China local version of TikTok), TikTok seems to follow the track of Douyin on its way of commercialization. Douyin has already proven its success in social media commercialization through bringing threat to the largest Chinese e-Commerce platform, Taobao.com. In China, both content creator and brand vendor are getting significant benefits from the platform. Live sales, in-video shop link, commerial ads videos and Douyin Store have become maturalized. The top five August 2020 live sell influencers made total sales of approximately CNY¥16 million (around USD$2.4million), the August sales for the top five Douyin stores have reached sales of CNY¥1.46 billion (around USD$210 million) cumulatively. The numbers are still growing.

tiktoklatestversion的简单介绍(Best TikTok Analytics Tool   GugeeData)

Let’s get back to TikTok, many might have realized that there are many testing features opended lately like shopping cart and commercial ads video and TikTok also launched links in bio features earlier. We can see Douyin’s success would be a projection of TikTok commercialization. The TikTok enormous traffic will speed this up.

In order to follow the growing trend of TikTok and catch the freeride of traffic dividends more cost-effective, I am here introducing a TikTok analytics tool, Gugeedata (), which will help you out. Please continue to read to get more information.


What GugeeData is about?

GugeeData is an analytics tool which is professionalized in TikTok. It provides accurate data analytic services, unique calculating strategies and succinct layout that enables users to filter out the precise information, to follow the trend in time, to optimize advertising strategies, and to improve account running tactics. 

What features does GugeeData have?

They separate the information into two categories: the video element and the TikToker search.

The Video Elements:

when evaluating the hotness of the video, besides the most important video parameters such as views, likes, comments and reviews, GugeeData also calculates its own comprehensive parameter called Spread Index  for each video. The spread index disregard the traffic inflow that the followers bring, only represents the hotness of the video itself.

GugeeData also generates a report for each video. The report analyzes the video comments and illustrates top 10 keywords by a bar chart. Users are able to briefly understand why the video is popular. As a content creator, if you find the video is a good sample to reference, you can add it to My Favorites collection and you are free to get back to check at anytime.

The Tiktoker Search

GugeeData also divides the TikTokers into 30 different industries. Users can select whatever industry they are interested in and find out the industrial hotness there. This is very helpful for both content creator and brand vendor.

One of the important features that GugeeData provides is the TikToker leaderboards (by far there are two leaderboards: Industrial and Follower Growth). It differs from its competitors, the industrial leaderboards are focusing on the engagement of each influencer whereas the other analytics tools use follower count as the key parameter. Similar to spread index of hot videos, GD Index illustrates the comprehensive performance of TikToker. The higher the index, the better the account performs.

The industrial leaderboards overall are pretty steady as all the top influencers are quite active on this platform. Moreover, there is a follower growth leaderboard on the platform, it changes more frequently. It also a very good reference showing the trend of TikTok. You might find the next TikTok celebrity in the leaderboards.  

Again, every influencer has its report and it is updated at least once a day. The report compares figures for current period and prior period and illustrates the change of the two. Two diagrams showing the trend of the influencer’s follower growth and like growth, as well as the current period performance of each post. This easily shows the fluctuation of the account.

How much does it cost?

Most features introduced above are free of use. However, if you are looking for more detailed information, you do need to pay for the services. The Plus version is $69/month; the Advanced version is $199/month; lastly, the Pro version is $699/month. For users that want to get familiar to TikTok and the market environment, I would suggest you guys to use free version for now and upgrade the membership accordingly.


That’s all I want to share for now and I appreciate the time you spend on reading this. I do expect TikTok drag itself out from this morass and also hope this article will get you a clear view of the tool.


使用imazing备份IPA(当前最新版本)文件免费、方便;博主非常建议大家备份当前可用的Tiktok版本,比如你更新到了(当前最新版本)例如 v19.3.0,刚好是可以解锁的,那么你就应该使用 iMazing 备份 Tiktok(v19.3.0)的IPA文件;(博主已备份v16.6.5 之后所有可以解锁的版本,如若在此之后不小心更新了 Tiktok ,也可以很快的覆盖安装回旧版本(你备份的版本)。

适用情况:Tiktok 最新版;版本号 version 18.2.1;于12.19.2020 更新。



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